Paul Roggemann

This information was sent to me (Bob Meli) by Paul Roggemann
on August 12-13, 2013 after he had viewed the website.

Paul Roggemann authored a website for the Submarine
he served aboard and the crews that manned her. 

The website can be found at:


E-Mail sent August 13, 2013:


I was basically a River Edge guy, doing all the usual stuff...Scouts, Explorers, Little League, etc.

I attended Don Bosco Prep freshman through junior year, then was NOT invited to return for my senior year. As I lived three doors away from River Dell, I started my senior year there. My family relocated to Hackensack and rather than pay $25/month for me to stay at River Dell, I switched schools with 3 months left.
There was no college.

My formal education consisted of Navy training and hand's-on experience. My work career was split between jobs as a
Field Service Engineer for several semiconductor manufacturing equipment companies. I did some foreign travel in those pursuits.  I also spend about 15 years with IBM, initially as a technician but advancing to programmer in an engineering group that designed automation equipment for their semiconductor testing line.

I have been retired since 2003 and mostly spend my time keeping in touch with my submarine buddies, organizing reunions, and managing my web pages.  My wife and I also do volunteer work at a local nursing home and were awarded Sr. Volunteer Couple for New York State in 2013.

Attached are hi-res photos of the two ships I served aboard.

Paul J. Roggemann, Jr.



E-Mail sent August 12, 2013:

I attended HHS for only a couple of months in my Senior year, 1960, so I did not get in the yearbook. I AM in the River Dell yearbook for that year...LOL I also spend 3 years at Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey.

My family lived at 331 Lookout Ave and remained there until 1972.

In 1961, I enlisted in the NAVY, ultimately serving for 6 years active duty. My first duty was aboard an ASSAULT TROOP TRANSPORT USS ROCKBRIDGE - APA 228 for a period of 6 months before entering ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN School.

I volunteered for SUBMARINE DUTY in 1963 and was assigned to the diesel submarine USS SEA ROBIN SS-407 for almost 4 years before my honorable discharge in Aug of 1967.

My final rate was ETN2(SS). The (SS) signifies Qualified in Submarines, which I achieved in OCT 1964. I addition I was awarded the GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL, and the

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Thanks for doing this service for all veterans. My service never
really in a hostile environment, if you ignore my service on a 20+ year old WWII submarine.

Paul J. Roggemann, Jr.


Background image of The USS Rockbridge obtained from: